

Cádiz (36°32’ N 6°18’ W) is a city in Andalucia which throughout history was a very important harbor hence it was a rich city, has a lot of fortifications and impressive buildings.

North-west side of fortification walls.

Castillo de San Sebastian (36°31’40″ N 6°18’49″ W, on the right side of the picture) seen from Castillo de Santa Catalina (36°31’58″ N 6°18’28″ W).

Castillo de San Sebastian seen from the middle of the road connecting this castle to the mainland (36°31’43″ N 6°18’33″ W).

West side of Cádiz with Castillo de Santa Catalina seen on the left side of the picture.

South side of Cádiz seen from near Escuela Infantil Virgen de la Palma (36°31’40″ N 6°18’08″ W).

South side of Cádiz seen from Mirador El Vendaval (36°31’44″ N 6°17’52″ W, view to the east).

Catedral de Cádiz (36°31’45″ N 6°17’43″ W).

View from Catedral de Cádiz towards west side of Cádiz.

Puerta de Tierra (36°31’34″ N 6°17’19″ W).



Ronda (36°44’38″ N 5°09’49″ W) is a city in Andalucia, that lies at a steep cliff with a canyon in the middle of a city with two bridges spanning across the canyon.

Cliff of Ronda and the new bridge connecting two parts of the city seen from a viewpoint (36°44’22″ N 5°10’06″ W).

New bridge.

Canyon seen from the new bridge.

Cliff seen across the canyon, view on north.

View on western side of Ronda.

View from Mirador de Ronda (36°44’28″ N 5°10’05″ W).

View from Mirador Virgen Del Rocío (36°44’55″ N 5°10’10″ W) to the south, on western side of Ronda.

And to the west.

View from the old bridge (36°44’23″ N 5°09’48″ W) to the south, across eastern side of Ronda.

Iglesia de Santa Maria la Mayor (36°44’14″ N 5°09’55″ W).

View on the city from the church.



Alhambra (37°10’36″ N 3°35’22″ W) is a palace and fortress complex and is the biggest attraction in Granada (37°10’40″ N 3°35’41″ W).

Alhambra seen from Mirador de la Vereda de Enmedio (37°10’53″ N 3°35’10″ W).

Alhambra seen from Silla del Moro (37°10’41″ N 3°35’02″ W).

Alhambra seen from Abadía del Sacromonte (37°10’58″ N 3°34’41″ W).

Main Alhambra complex seen from Generalife gardens (37°10’41″ N 3°35’07″ W), which also belongs to the Alhambra itself.


Generalife seen from Alhambra.

San Francisco convent.

Nazaires palace.

Gardens del Partal inside Alhambra.

Palacio de Carlos V.

Alcazaba (castle part of Alhambra).