

Alicante (38°21’N 0°29’W) jest drugim największym miastem w regionie Walencja, zamieszkuje je 330 tysięcy ludzi.

Zamek św. Barbary (Castillo de Santa Bárbara, 38°20’55″N 0°28’44″W). Do zamku najłatwiej wjechać podziemną windą, do której wejście znajduje się blisko plaży.

Z zamku rozciąga się panorama całego miasta.

Alternatywne wejście/wyjście z zamku to wąski chodnik, z którego również można zobaczyć wspaniałe widoki.

Zamek widoczny z końca chodnika.

Zamek św. Fernanda (Castillo de San Fernando, 38°21’05″N 0°29’27″W), dość mocno zniszczony zamek, ale jest całkiem niezły widok na zamek św. Barbary.

Konkatedra św. Mikołaja (Concatedral de San Nicolás de Bari, 38°20’44″N 0°28’57″W).

Explanada de España (38°20’36″N 0°28’58″W) to szeroka promenada z podłogą wyłożoną charakterystyczną mozaiką.

Ratusz Alicante (Ayuntamiento de Alicante, 38°20’43″N 0°28’53″W).

Główna hala targowa Alicante (Mercado Central de Alicante, 38°20’53″N 0°29’10″W).



Jednym z regionów Hiszpanii jest region Walencja, którego największym miastem jest właśnie miasto Walencja.


Walencja (Valencia, 39°28’N 0°22’W) położona jest u ujścia rzeki Turia i zamieszkuje ją 800 tysięcy ludzi.

Widok na ulicę Plaza de Ayuntamiento (39°28’16″N 0°22’36″W).

Bazylika Dziewicy Bezbronnych (Basílica De Nuestra Señora De Los Desamparados, 39°28’35″N 0°22’29″W).

Katedra w Walencji (Iglesia Catedral-Basílica Metropolitana de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Valencia, 39°28’31″N 0°22’31″W).

Torre del Micalet (39°28’31″N 0°22’32″W) – dzwonnica katedralna.

Dworzec kolejowy północny (La Estación del Norte, 39°28’01″N 0°22’38″W).

Widok na aleję Marqués de Sotelo (39°28’06″N 0°22’37″W).

Ratusz Walencji (Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Valencia, 39°28’11″N 0°22’37″W).

Główna hala targowa w Walencji (Mercado Central, 39°28’25″N 0°22’44″W).

Kościół św. Jana (Iglesia de los Santos Juanes, 39°28’27″N 0°22’45″W).

Patelnie do Paelli. Te największe to chyba dla całego wesela :)

La Lonja de la Seda (39°28’28″N 0°22’42″W), centrum finansowe, w którym kupcy dokonywali transakcji.

Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari y San Pedro Mártir (39°28’34″N 0°22’44″W).

Iglesia de San Juan del Hospital (39°28’28″N 0°22’22″W)

Real Colegio Seminario del Corpus Christi (39°28’21″N 0°22’23″W).


Tower Clock Museum

Tower Clock Museum is located in bell tower of St. Catherine Church, at 54°21’14″N 18°39’04″E.

In this museum you can see many clocks and clock mechanisms installed in varius towers. Mechanisms are shown to the public and everybody can see how they work.

Entry ticket to the Tower Clock Museum is 10 zł.

To enter the museum you need to go to a small entrance near main entrance to the church and go several dozens of small and narrow steps until you finally arrive at first floor of museum.

Clock with the longest pendulum in the world – 31,22 m. Of course not whole pendulum is shown, it stretches through few floors.

Second floor.

Third floor – there are no clocks in here, but on this floor is 50-bell carillon.

Top view on carillon.

Going higher takes you to the view point atop of St. Catherine’s Church bell tower.

Western view: building at the bottom of the picture is Wielki Młyn (Great mill), further to the west, covered partially by trees, is Old City Town Hall and left to him and little behind is St. Joseph Church. At the right side of the picture you can see Gdańsk Główny railway station.

Southern view: the most noticaable buildings in the center of the picture are market hall and just behind it St. Nicolaus Basilica. The tower next to them is Baszta Jacek a part od Gdańsk’s old fortifications. Behind church you can clearly see St. Mary’s Basilica, on the left side of the picture is St. John’s Church.

Eastern view: just behind the back of St. Catherine Church you can see St. Brigitte Basilica. Far left you can see cranes of the Gdańsk Shipyard.

Northern view: St. Catherine Church is located at the edge of Gdańsk’s historical city center and northern view is already outside of it. Buildings visible are Mercure hotel, Organica Trade office bulding and the green one in the distant is Zieleniak.


St. Mary’s Basilica

In polish “Bazylika Mariacka“, it’s one of the biggest brick churches in the world. The building began in 1343, it was numerous times extended and changed until it was completed in 1502. Inside the basilica there is a room for about 25 000 people, which at the time if it’s completion was more than half of city’s population. It is located in Gdańsk’s Main City district at 54°20’59″N 18°39’11″E.

In 1945 because of fights during second world war, 40% of domes collapsed, part of the paintings, sculptures and altars were destroyed and moved away. Organs were also destroyed.

St. Mary’s Basilica is 30 meter high with the bell tower ranging 82 meter high. The fee for the bell tower entrance is 10 zł, reduced ticket 5 zł.

View on St. Mary’s Basilica from Main City Town Hall.

There are 409 steps to reach the top of bell tower. First 150 steps are narrow spiral stairs that look like this.

You then are at the roof of the basilica, above the domes. Roof is under renovation, hence you can see parts of roof covered just with foil.

Upon that you enter the stairs in the bell tower itself.

At the top you can see the panorama of Gdańsk.

Western view: you can clearly see the Piwna (beer) street and the Grand Armory at it’s end. To the left of it and further away you can see Katownia and Brama Wyżynna (High gate),

Southern view: the tower with a clock is the Main City Town Hall, located at Long Lane. At Long Lane you can see tenements called kamienica (plural kamienice).

East view: you can see mainly the rear of St. Mary’s Basilica, Mariacka (St. Mary’s) street right behing it and Św. Ducha (Holy Spirit) street on the left. On the right you can see Granary Island (with that awful fairy wheel) with a lot of new hotels being build, although river Motława is flowing around it, you can see just it just in the far left side of the picture. Also on the far left you can see St. John’s Church.

Finally north view: the closest buildings are kamienice at Św. Ducha street and almost in the central of the picture – St. Nicholas’ Church. Behind St. Nicholas’ Church (and a row of kamienice) you can see St. Catherine’s Church. In the distance you can see cranes of the Gdańsk Shipyard. The water on the right side of the picture is Motława river.

The inside of the St. Mary’s Basilica.

Babtismal font.

View of the nave from the babtismal font.

Note the star vault.

View of modern reconstruction of organs destroyed in 1945. At the bottom you can also see babtismal font.

View at the altar. Unfortunately there is renovation going on from 2017 through 2018, hence the scaffolding.